Saturday, February 21, 2015

Amazing pack of midi manipulation plugins! Change audio to CC data, delay notes and CC with feedback, and more!


I found a free motherload of amazing plugins for midi that allow you to do all kinds of cool stuff with midi data! The whole thing came about from me just wanting to change a midi assignment in EnergyXT that isn’t changeable, then a forum poster pointed me in the direction of these. I was blown away and thought I’d share em!

pizmidi2 pizmidi

Complete list of plugins and features:

midi16CCRouter – Changes up to 16 CCs to 16 other CCs.
midi2qwerty16 – Use MIDI to trigger fake keystrokes to the focused window.
midiAlias – Note values are reflected between a “Nyquist Note” and a “Zero Note,” similar to the effect of audio sample aliasing.
midiAudioToCC – Converts audio amplitude to CC messages.
midiBlackKeyFilter – Separately adjust velocity of black and white keys, and/or send them on different channels.
midiCCModulator – Use one CC to modulate another CC (or note velocity) in various ways: add/subtract/multiply/etc, plus logic gates (AND, NAND, XNOR, etc).
midiCCReset – Remembers CC values and sends them out again at selected times.
midiCCStepper – Quantize CC events by value or in time.
midiCCToggle – For changing momentary CC buttons into toggles.
midiChannelize – Transforms everything to the selected channel.
midiChordHold – Sustains a chord until another one is played.
midiChordSplit – For splitting polyphonic material to multiple midi channels based on selected note ranges for each voice.
midiChs_noGUI – Channel filter/changer like energyXT1 “MIDI chs” component.
midiConverter3 – Change and convert between CC, Channel Pressure, Poly Aftertouch, Program Change, Pitch Bend, NRPN/RPN, Note On/Off, and other messages in various ways.
midiDelay – Delay notes and/or CCs with feedback.
midiDuplicateBlocker – Remembers all MIDI message values it gets on each channel, and blocks any repeated values until a different value is received.
midiExactDelay – Simple delay (no dry signal, no feedback) with flexible and precise delay time.
midiFingered – Selectively sends standard portamento on/off CC messages to emulate “fingered portamento” for synths that don’t have it.
midiForceToKey – Enforces a scale, and transposes within the scale (optionally based on MIDI notes on a selected channel).
midiForceToRange – Transposes notes by octave into the selected range.
midiInvertNotes – “Mirrors” notes centered around the selected note.
midiKeySplit – Simple keyboard splitter.
midiKeySplit4 – Four-zone keyboard splitter.
midiMultiProgramChange – Uses input program change to trigger selected program changes on all channels.
midiNotchFilter – Isolate, remove, or channelize specific MIDI messages.
midiNoteGroups – Assign play and/or choke groups to MIDI notes.
midiNoteMap – Simple 1-to-1 keyboard mapper.
midiNoteRepeater – Repeats every Nth note a set number of times, or blocks it.
midiNotesToCC – Converts note number and velocity to CC messages.
midiNoteToggle – Notes (optionally within a selected range and/or channel) are toggled… play a note once to turn it on, play it again to turn it off.
midiNRPNConverter – Converts between NRPN/RPN and CC messages, with 16 conversion slots.
midiOverlappingNoteKiller – Prevents overlapping notes at the same pitch.
midiPitchBendQuantize – Quantizes pitch bend messages to up to 25 values.
midiPitchBendToNotes – Changes pitch bend plus note messages into notes at the “bent” pitch (may be useful for using Suzuki QChord with non-multitimbral instruments).
midiPolyphony – For spreading polyphony across MIDI channels, i.e. if you play 4 notes, each one will go to a different channel. Polyphony per channel can be set from 1 to 16 notes for more flexibility. You can also use it to convert polyphonic input to monophonic output.
midiProbability – Add probability-based effects to incoming MIDI events, optionally synced to host timeline.
midiProgramChange – Send Program Change and/or Bank Select messages.
midiSimpleLFO – One CC LFO with some “simple” options.
midiScaleChanger – Transposes notes by individual scale degrees and/or globally, to change one scale into another. Among other things, this allows you to play any scale using only the white keys.
midiSostenuto – Like a piano sostenuto pedal, but for MIDI notes instead of piano dampers.
midiStrum – Sequentially delays notes of an input chord to simulate strumming.
midiStuckNoteKiller – Sends note-off messages to end hanging notes when the host stops (for hosts that don’t do this themselves).
midiSwing – Delays and/or offsets velocity of and applies probability to notes (and optionally also CCs) at every other step of a selected note value.
midiTriggerList – Use one note or CC to trigger up to 8 other notes and/or CCs.
midiVelocityScaler – Scale/reverse/offset velocity of input notes (Note On and/or Note Off).


Mirror if above doesn’t work

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